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Masjid Open for 5 Daily Prayers
4 July 2020 @ 04:00 - 22:30
As per the revised Government guidelines, Chesham Masjid will be opened for public access from Fajr of Saturday 4th July 2020 for 5 times daily congregational prayers – for 30 people.
The masjid will be opened with reduced services – Quran classes will remain closed and offered online for now.
Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the following rules and protocols :
1 – All attendees will need to bring their own prayer mats
2 – All attendees will need to wear a face covering whilst in the masjid
3 – All attendees will need to bring a bag to carry their shoes into the main hall – shoe racks remain out of service.
4 – There will be no wudu facility in the centre. Please do wudu at home before coming.
5 – The car park will be closed to all vehicles and only be used to guide people in and out of the main building
6 – The masjid will be opened 10 min before every Salah congregation and will close 15 mins after the congregation.
7 – Please preform supererogatory prayers at home and leave promptly once the fardh prayers are completed.
8 – There is a one way system in place – please follow the signs and enter through the main Wudu entrance and leave Via the opposite door.
9 – Minimise or avoid shaking of hands/embracing each other before/after prayers.
10 – Elderly(over 70), shielding and those with underlying health conditions to perform salah at home
11 – No one under the age of 12 will be permitted to enter the Masjid
12 – Hand sanitisers will be available at the entrance and exit – please make use of these.
13 -Attendees must follow the floor markings, pray in marked areas and keep a 2 metre distance at all times.
14 – Anyone with *known symptoms* of the corona virus must not come to the Masjid and follow the NHS guidelines.
15 – No gathering must take place outside and attendees must leave straight after Salah.
16 – Adhaan for the 5 daily salah will be given by selected personnel
We request everyone to adhere to the above procedures and cooperate with the volunteers for the smooth running of the masjid.
We will review the above rules in the coming days insha’Allah and amend if needed.
Thank you for your cooperation.
JazakAllah Khair
Chesham Masjid Committee